Title: |
Editorial: Contemporary Science Education Initiatives Undertaken in the Asia Pacific Region |
Author: |
Mageswary Karpudewan, Ian Phil Canlas and Ingo Eilks |
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Computerized Testlet Instrument to Assess Students' Conceptual Understanding of Chemistry on the Topic of Stoichiometry: Psychometric Analysis |
Author: |
Sri Yamtinah, Shifi Syarifa Fahmina, Dimas Gilang Ramadhani, Sulistyo Saputro and Ari Syahidul Shidiq |
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Revealing Preservice Teachers' Conceptions, Troublesome Knowledge and Threshold Concept of Chemical Equilibrium through Predict Observe Explain Mental Model Diagnostic Test (POE-MMDT) |
Author: |
Tuszie Widhiyanti, Sisca Dwi Luviani, Wiji Wiji and Sri Mulyani |
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What Creative Ideas Came Up About Global Warming in RADEC Online Class? |
Author: |
Rendi Restiana Sukardi, Wahyu Sopandi, Riandi, Michael E. Beeth and Ari Syahidul Shidiq |
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Design of A Teaching-Learning Sequence and Its Effect on Self-Efficacy and Perceptions of Prospective Chemistry Teacher Students: An Educational Reconstruction Study of Fire-Retardant Bamboo |
Author: |
Ahmad Mudzakir, Hernani, Auliya Afifah and Sakhiyyah Afifah |
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Contemporary Hybrid Laboratory Pedagogy: Construction of A Simple Spectrophotometer with STEM Project-Based Learning to Introduce Systems Thinking Skills |
Author: |
Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Anna Permanasari, Hernani and Sumar Hendayana |
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Effectiveness of Academic Intervention on Learning of Environmental Science Among Slow Learners |
Author: |
Archana Kumari and Alka Kataria |
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A Historical Perspective of Science Education in Japan: Which Way Is It Headed in the Future? |
Author: |
Tetsuo Isozaki |
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Title: |
Charting the Southeast Asian Science Teachers’ Challenges into Recommendations for Future Online Regional Courses |
Author: |
Zainun Mustafa, Deva Nanthini Sinniah, Nelson Cyril, Sharfuddin Abdul Syukor and Sivaranjini Sinniah |
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Title: |
Science Teachers’ Uptake of Heuristic Educative Curriculum Materials to Develop Students’ Habit of Questioning and Posing Problem |
Author: |
Bavani Nageswana Row and Renuka V Sathasivam |
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Predictors of Student Engagement in Science Learning: The Role of Science Laboratory Learning Environment and Science Learning Motivation |
Author: |
Law Hui Haw, Sabariah Bte Sharif and Crispina Gregory K Han |
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Leadership in Science Instruction: A Systematic Review of Research |
Author: |
Donnie Adams and Hamdhiyya |
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Teaching College Physics to the K To 12 Program graduates: Teachers’ experiences and perspectives |
Author: |
Louie Paul D. Fulminar |
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Investigating the Academic Experience of Science Education Students with Virtual Laboratory Classes: A Convergent Parallel Approach |
Author: |
Ymarey Kyle V Amanio, Camila O. Legaspino, Jhuvan Rhey C. Mondido, Ian S. Somosot and Jevannel G. Borlio |
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Title: |
Development and Implementation of A Contextualized Comic Book to Improve Students’ Conceptions of Cell Division |
Author: |
Chiejheaca Jehanna G. Yu and Ernil D. Sumayao |
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Title: |
Examine in-Service Teachers’ Initial Perceptions Toward STEM Education in Thailand |
Author: |
Pairoh Sohsomboon and Chokchai Yuenyong |
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